How a Family of 6 Keeps their Sanity with School Closures, Social Distancing, and Looming additional closures and quarantines.
I imagine now that we are several weeks into Covid19 that everyone is going a little crazy. It's such a huge adjustment going from regular day to day life, to staying home, keeping kids out of school, adjusting finances etc. Finding essentials for home is its own whole challenge. We are a family of 6 living in a 2 bedroom apartment! It's big don't get me wrong, but not a lot of places to take a break and get a second to yourself. Somehow we make it work, and it's only doable because we have a family that loves each other and gets along. So in an ever changing world, and living through the coronavirus, this is my little section dedicated to the chaos!
School as of today has been out for almost three weeks. The kids were sent on an early Spring Break, however since then the govenor has closed schools through mid April, and with the school year ending in just 8 weeks, and remote learning being set up, there is a good chance the kids will not return to school for the rest of the school year.
As of about two weeks ago, the governor shut down dining in at restaurants, as a restaurant manager this has completely changed day to day work life. (Luckily as a manager i'm still working though the majority of my employees are not) A week later The governer shut down Denver, originally Brandon's job was considered not essential but that was quickly change about three hours later, so though we both work things have certainly changed vastly over a couple of short yet very long weeks!
So far our family is Healthy, going slightly stir crazy, but we find ways to pass the time, and the kids are safe. What an interesting first year Beatrix is living, on the bright side she is getting a lot of additional quality time with her siblings, that normally would not be possible with them at school.