Work Updates
One day your going along normal without a care in the world, ok maybe a few cares but those seem silly now, right? Then within weeks, days or sometimes even hours, things change. Right now we are lucky to have a family with two adults still working, but even while still working things have changed a ton. There are a lot of restrictions in place, and almost daily everyone holds their breath to see what will happen next. Below is how things are effecting the two industries we work in, in the state of Colorado.

Denver Restuarants
I watched in real time with my employees as the Governor came on the television and changed our restaurants future going through this virus.Two weeks ago it was announced that Restaurants would close for two weeks this was statewide and happened a couple days after Denver had already announced it. Restaurants could still do to go and delivery but no dine in, and no more than 10 people in the restaurant at a time, including employees. Last week this was extended through April. This cut staff down to a bare minimum. 24k unemployment claims in a day!
Denver Liquor Stores
About a week after the Governor closed restaurants he went ahead and issued a stay at home order. During his original press release he said liquor stores and recreational marijuana stores would be closed. That was a scary period of time, thinking about having one of us out of work, and myself on reduced hours. However people flocked to these stores after this was announced and within three hours the Governor announced they would now be considered essential and allowed to stay open.
Though it has not been announced yet, last night Trump extended social distancing guidelines through the end of April. I imagine within the next 24-48 hours Colorado will extend its stay at home order through the end of April.

Restaurant Update May 2020
When the stay at home order began, and restaurants were closed down to dine in and to go only. I don't think any of us out here expected us to still be closed in late May.
The Governor has been quite vague about when and how we would reopen. A few days ago he announced that on the 25th of May he would have enough data to make a decision. We would not reopen on the 25th but possible sometime that week.
As of yesterday the first draft of restaurant restrictions came out for Colorado, and they're not pretty. Tables must be 8 feet apart. Gloves and masks worn by employees at all times, Collecting Customer Information.
Temperature checks etc. I can't even imagine how badly our customers will take this, and i'm concerned how they will lash out at the team.