We love animals, and they are definitely a part of our family. Our two red eared sliders are the first pets we got after getting settled in Denver. We were sad to have to adopt out the two we had before our move, but we knew they couldn't make the trip.
Tonio was our second addition. We adopted Tonio from a woman who had three cat's Tonio at 1 year being the youngest with two old cats. The old cat's didn't really like Tonio so we adopted him. He's now been part of our family for over a year, and most of our time out here. He's a good cat, with an interesting personality,he definitely has a close bond with Brandon and Athena, but is friendly and sociable with the whole family.
Peanut is the kids rat, and our final pet around here (even though Donovan asks for a dog constantly). Peanut took a little extra time warming up to us, but is finally a pretty social little rat. She is even potty trained (yes you can do that!) rats are very smart rodents so i suspect the kids will be teaching her a trick or two in the future.