Places To Eat
Visited ***
Casa Bonitta, this local Mexiacan restaurant was made famous by South Park but is known for it's dinner shows and cliff diving. I've ben told by many locals that the food is alright but that atmosphere and fun is what really makes this place a must see.
Little Man Ice Cream, we've actually visited this place but need to go back with Kira because she has never been. Littleman specializes in homemade ice cream and has an extensive Vegan menu making this a must visit next time my sister is in town. ***
The Cherry Cricket, this establishment has been voted favorite burger in Denver since 1945
Adams's Mystery Playhouse. This place has caught my eye, as a mystery dinner but that also has mystery dinners you can bring children to, which is uncharacteristic of mystery dinners.
Steve's Snappin Dogs, This place is known for it's hot dogs, and there is an extensive menu of them, the prices are cheap and it is the sort of food the kids will eat!
Ore House, This steak house is located in Steam boat Springs (another place on my list) It was a barn built in 1889, that was then changed into a restuarant in 1971they serve fresh in house cut steaks and have been voted best lace to eat in Steamboat for 50 years
Steuben's, is voted one of the top ten restaurants in Denver you have to try, the food looks absolutely delicious
M Uptown (Hamburger mary's) This place is known for all the special toppings you can add to your burger, and is highly rated as a must see burger joint in Denver.
Buckhorn Exchange, this is the oldest steakhouse in Colorado and was established in 1893. It is known for catering to the more exotic side of meats.
The Fort, This restaurant will have to be visited during some day trip adventuring. I will let you guess what old structure this restaurant is built inside of
Linger Eatuary, This place is right behind LittleMan Ice Cream. This place is an old mortuary turned eaturary and is where Buffalo Bill was brought when he died. A strange place to make a restaurant but this place has so many awards and articles, we will need to check it out.
Historic Mint Steakhouse, The mint is a Saloon that was turned renamed the Mint in 1862. Though it has moved 3 times in Colorado, it is still in it's original building. This would be an exciting piece of history to eat at.
Red Onion, this place was built in 1892 during the silver rush in Aspen.
New York Daily News Deli, this place is literally right down the street less than a mile, and is voted best Sandwich in Denver and best Deli since 1989. Brandon and i visited this place while i was on maternity leave and the food was great, and the sandwich was about 6 inches tall, we couldn't finish the one we split.***