The Big Stuff
(Out of State travel)
We would like to go back to Disneyland, Disneyworld, and perhaps to a family cruise when the kids get bigger
Las Vegas
I'd love to go with the kids or just Brandon. Or kids with a night off from kids while visiting.
Hawaii, i'm the only one that has visited out of my family and i think they would be blown away by the beauty and culture.
Japan, I can't list vacation spots without adding Japan, it is a long time dream destination of Brandon's after all.
Universal Studios (Orlando) & Volcano Bay
The idea of a trip to a water park with fast passes sounds amazing!
New Orleans I've been creating a vacation for fun to this destination since i was a teenager, would love to visit with the family.
Italy, as long as i can remember i've wanted to visit Italy. So many amazing place to see, but Rome and Venice are at the top of my list.