As i continue to research my DNA and my family, I constantly find more and more info connecting me to Scotland. I used my DNA to connect to ancient archeological dig sites, and DNA extracted from remains found in different areas of the world. Once i figured out my highest ethnicity was Scottish i became curious about the history, and of their clans. It has become increasingly clear that my main clan is Clan Armstrong. I have yet to make the direct connection, as i am still working on it, however this ancestry would be quite a ways back so it will take sometime to get my tree back that far, if i can. Either way at the end of the day I have a good chunk of DNA that links up to this clan. I will continue to work my way to a direct connection but until then here is what i know about the clan Armstrong.
Clan Armstrong was a Lowland Scottish clan of the Scottish borders. The first of the name was Siward Beorn, which translates to Sword Warrior. He is connected to the last Anglo-Danish Earl of Northumberland, and the nephew of King Canute. (The Danish King of England who reigned until 1035)
Clan Armstrong has a pretty violent rep, but in their defense life was not easy. For Clans that were on the borders, or "debatable lands" it was a hard life. These lands were at War for centuries. Armies from England would regularly march through and take what they wanted and kill the livestock on their way to battles further north. If that wasn't bad enough neighboring clans marching south would do much of the same. There was a sort of Warzone boarder authority referred to as "Wardens of Marches" however they were often unreliable. For this reason many of the Clans that lived amongst these boarders turned to their own sort of justice, in the form of Reiving Clans. Essentially these clans turned to robbing and plundering. If you came and stole form them, or killed their livestock etc. they'd in turn come to your land and do the same. There were 13 Main Clans that were considered Reiving Clans. Clan Armstrong being the largest and most powerful Warlike clan living in Liddesdale.
Because over the years they had many times they needed to defend their lands, practice sort of made perfect and they became the most feared of the riding clans. Because Scottland did not have a regular standing army Clan Armstrong became very important to the Royal house of Scottland, House Stuart. House Stuart would have 9 Monarchs between 1371-1603 The last being James VI before accession to England.
By 1528 Clan Armstrong is said to have been able to raise 3000 horsemen, and at one point was in control of the debatable Scottish Border lands. The clan was said to be able to saddle more men for battle than any two other clans put together. However this seems to have been part of the downfall. During this time James Armstrong was the head of the clan. .King James V, whom had taken the thrown at just 17 months when his father was killed, would eventually rule as a teenager. He felt threatened by clan Armstrong, fearing people would not listen to his authority because of the power of the clan. In 1530 King James V would invite John Armstrong for talks. They were to meet the Royal hunting party at Caerlanrig. John Armstrong and his men felt no danger and went out from their Tower, Gilnockie tower (below), and dressed themselves in

their best finery, which would have been beffiting of meeting a monarch. It is said that upon Seeing John Armstrong and his men, the King muttered "what wants this knave that a king should have?" (why are these men dressed like Kings?) The King had, had no intention of talking with the men of the Clan. Infact he considered them traitors. He immediately ordered their execution Hanging the Men. Before being hung it is said that John Armstrong proclaimed he was a fool for "seek grace’ in a ‘graceless face" The King would continue to do this sort of thing when the Clan would not suport him at the Battle of Solway Mass (a battle between England and Scottland borders).
In 1610 the Clan's Lairds were hung in Edinburgh for leading a raid on Penrith (England). The last chief died at this time, Archibald Armstrong of Mangerton. There have been no Chiefs of the Clan since his death. After the Clan's Lairds were hung, the clan mostly fled and dispersed Most to Ulster, however some to America, as well as other locations all over the world.
Gilnockie Tower, is the only Tower House out of 80-90 that belonged to Clan Armstrong, to still stand today, it has had a roof rebuilt amongst other renovations, but is well maintained for 500 years old. The public can still visit Gilnokie Tower.

Though there has been no Chief's since the 17th century a trust was set up in 1978 and their is a powerful and active Clan association. There are also several notable people who are connected to Clan Armstrong including Sir Alexander Armstrong the Arctic explorer, Neil Armstrong who was the first man to walk on the Moon, Comedian Alexander Armstrong and Edwin Howard Armstrong, the inventor of FM Radio.