There is a fairly good chance you have heard of Frida Mom, even if you don't recognize the name of the company. They specialize in postpartum products for women. They recently created a commercial that was rejected by the Oscars for being "too graphic". Mothers all over the internet are loosing their minds over this. I'm sorry to say, sometimes i think we get offended or back the wrong fight Bare with me, let me explain.
I watched the Frida Mom commercial on Youtube. I couldn't help myself, i wanted to see this commercial freaking women out for not being aired. The commercial is fairly spot on. It's not overly graphic but it's raw and honest. If you have seen the commercial you can youtube it, but here is the general idea of the commercial.
A woman is getting out of bed, a baby is crying, she moves past the baby to go to the bathroom and take care of herself first. She is wearing those lovely Mesh Panties with the pad that is the size of a placemat, (hehe) She walks to the bathroom sits on the toilet does all the stuff you do there, changes the pad, and sprays that lovely bottle of fun onto her private parts (no you cant see her private parts because quite honestly picture doing this, how would you see them?), and then she gets up and is done.
Not overly graphic but very real. If your mom you undoubtedly been through this countless times. Oh and word to the wise, for women who may be unaware (cause sadly a lot of women don't know much outside of their own experiences), women with C-sections, we go through this same recovery process, Mesh Panties and little spray bottle, ridiculous amount of blood (sorry it's true), and all the other not so fun parts of recovery.

Before i continue into why i could not care less that this add wasnt' featured during the oscars, let me put this out there. " The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences prohibit commercials for “political candidates/positions, religious or faith-based messages/positions, guns, gun shows, ammunition, feminine hygiene products, adult diapers, condoms or hemorrhoid remedies.” Frida Mom ignored this, and balked at the idea that their products would fall into these guidlines. But i'm sorry their products logically fall into both Feminine hygiene, and i would think adult diapers is not to far off.
But that above information aside, i personally dont' see a reason to be upset about this. I doubt any of the decision makers looked at this commercial and thought, well it's about women so toss it out un important. But here is the thing, some things have a time and a place. Clearly as stated above this wasn't the only thing they wouldn't consider to air during this time slot. The commercial is "raw", i'm trying to think of the last tampon commercial i saw where they had a lady straddling a toilet inserting a tampon (much like the straddling the toilet to spray herself in this commercial, at least within the same realm), and i'm drawing a blank. They're usually a little more tasteful. But this is also a woman related thing, so lets think about something that crosses all ages and sex's. Explosive diarrhea, A person hunched over a toilet puking, someone using a netti pot to clear all that nastiness out of their sinuses. Also something people probably dont' want to see in their commercial, and not because they are against one interest group or the next.
Why are women mad? The top points i've seen discussed are between, women not being prepared for what postpartum means (as far as all the grossness involved), and the next reason being, we should be normalizing

postpartum recovery. So lets start with that second part because it's so simple. The only people not normalizing postpartum recovery, is us (females). We are who it effects, i'm a little confused as to who out there is not "normalizing" it. It doesn't need to be plastered all over tv for it to be accepted. We don't have to rub it in everyone's faces, we as mothers have been there, our spouses have been there, they've seen our struggle so lets drop that as an excuse to be mad at this.
So The first part, because i have seen so many women saying i wish i had seen this before i had a baby, i had no idea what i was getting in for, or i didn't realize what really happened down there after a baby. . . . . Get out of here with that! The only person you have to blame for "no knowing" is yourself. Why wouldn't you do some research before a baby is born to see what it entails. We (as parents) spend so much time researching positives and negatives of vaccines, if we have sons we research circumcision, we will spend tons of time looking up how to get our milk to come in for breast feeding, and every little thing under the sun in regards to our kids. So to say i didn't know, about my own body . . . . thats a cop out. If your too squeamish or embarrassed to research it or ask about it, then you better suck it up buttercup because your about to be a mom, and surprise it's one of the grossest jobs you'll ever have! Well worth it, but your about to encounter diaper blow outs, snot bubbles, pee in the face if you have a boy etc.
