Lyle True was born in 1927 in Carpenter Wyomming. Though he was born into a farming/ranching family he chose to go into the arts in adulthood. Lyle was my Grandmothers Uncle, she actually still has some of his artwork hanging in her house. I remember her telling me stories about him as a child. He was said to be quite gifted. Lyle got his M.A. at the University of Wyoming, he then became a professor of art history at Bethany College, later taking a position at Colorado Woman's College. At the time he had a very unique way of making art, and invented his own silver point tools, his tools of his trade. Lyle had several art exebitions, including in Boulder Colorado. Many of his works and research have been donated to the Denver library and are available for research. Seeing as how i now live in Denver i will be contacting them to see what i need to do to be able to take a look at these items, and perhaps get some more pictures of his art.