I told myself i would do this 52 questions thing this year, where i would have a new blog each week with one of these random questions. But i also have a problem with trying to meet perfect human standards without enough hours in the day. Here is the thing, when i was a kid, my sisters and I were the center of my mom's world, it was clear to see. She volunteered at our schools, baked our birthday cakes, took us to things like parades in the summer etc. She was always there when i was little, she was also a stay at home mom, until i hit 7th grade. I love my mom, and i try to provide for my kids the same level of love and devotion as i felt from my mother at their age. I think i do a pretty good job, however i also have a full time job that eats up 50 hours give or take each week. So i plan big, i try my hardest, and sometimes a few things have to fall short. In this case . . . . 52 not so important questions about life. So the following is simply an all encompassing update on life, and an insite into the hectic schedule our family somehow survives by!
First a basic look at our weekly schedule . . .
Monday through Friday Kid's up by 6:45am, fed dressed, ready for school, Kira and Donovan out the door for the bus at 7:25am (on lucky mornings they may get a ride this is only a couple times a month, but means they can eat breakfast at school and get some extra playground play time) Athena out the door by 8:45am so we can drive her to school and drop her off by 8:50am. At 3:30pm someone needs to be at Athena's school to pick her up, 3:40pm Donovan and Kira get off the bus and make it home from school. This leaves about 4.5 hours for homework, dinner, showers, books etc. (it's less time than it sounds, lol)
In a few weeks Garden club starts back up so Tuesdays will change. At about 2:30pm i go pick Athena up a little early from school (her teacher is fine with this, it's pretty much during nap time anyway), drive back over to the big kids school. Go pick Donovan up from his class a few minutes early, and rush over to the garden and wait for my kids (the third graders) to show up to work in the garden and do activities. 4 pm head home, and do the rest of our school night routine. Tuesdays are also one of my days off, and sort of my errand day. So while Brandon is at work, i get the kids to school, then do some sort of appointment, with so many family members almost every week there will be a doctor appointment, check up, dentist etc. This is also my deep clean day, and laundry day), then pick up Athena from school, and rush home to meet Donovan and Kira.
We recently joined the Y, so Wednesday evenings (being the only night Brandon and I both have off) have become swimming nights. So Wednesdays kids get home from school, we do homework right away, then dinner. Off to the Y at 6:30pm swim till about 8pm, shower, change etc. and then home to get the kids to bed (school night bedtime is 8:30pm) Next month when swim lessons come back around we will have to figure out where to fit those in, maybe early Saturday mornings before i go to work, honestly i'm not sure yet. Once summer hits Wednesday will be family day since it's the one day of the week we will all have off.
There is a real effort to make sure weather permitting the kids get out of the house to the park, there is a trail across the street and a short walk down to the park, we also drive to several other parks in the area. I also try to make sure at least once a month we make it to a museum, zoo, amusement park, etc. If the kids schools have an event, you can be sure we will be there, as supporting our kids in everything they do with their education is a top priority. We also eat meals together at the table as a family, cook together and play together.

On to Updates -
So since the beginning of the year all of the kids have been in for well child check ups. Bea has been in several times, because she's a baby and that's what they do! Kid stats are as follows:
Weight 73lbs
height 55inches
Eye Site 20/20
Perfectly Healthy
weight 45 lbs
Height 46.5 inches
Eye Site 20/20
Perfectly Healthy
weight 43 lbs
Height 40.5 inches
Eye Site 20/30 (this is actually on par for her age by next year she should hit 20/20 if we are lucky and she gets my eyes like her brother and sister)
Perfectly Healthy
Beatrix (as of 3 weeks ago, her next appointment is in a week)-
Weight 10lbs 11.5oz
Height 23.5 inches long
Perfectly Healthy and growing fast!

The kids also all had their dentist visits this past month. All are cavity free, and maintain no cavities ever for our kids. Athena and Kira maintain "perfect teeth", and always amaze the dentist who tells us we will probably never need braces for them if their teeth continue as they have. Donovan has molars coming in, and so far though slightly crowded his mouth is in good shape!
Are kids thankfully have excellent mouth health, they truly enjoy brushing and flossing and take so much better care of their teeth than i ever did when i was a kid. Very proud of their dental habits.

Kira made us proud once again (and always) as she made super citizen for the second year in a row. A big honor since only two kids per grade per year get the privilege of being awarded super citizen. Kira was voted on by both her teachers and her fellow students.
Her teacher told us during conferences that they chose her for being a good friend, always seeking out kids who are alone or sad to play with and help make feel better, for staying out of trouble even when peer pressured by friends, academic effort and improvement among other things. We were told that whenever the kids need to split off into groups Kira is the kid in the class everyone wants to partner with and that she truly is a friend to everyone.
As far as academics go she has thrived at this school. When she started last year in 2nd grade she was pretty behind. She lost two months of first grade in our move, with the districts being on different calendars. She went from reading at a kindergarten level (halfway through a year of kindergarten), worked hard at school and home, and with reading partners (tutors essentially at school) and now a year later is at grade level, with high marks. No additional help needed she is on track with her classmates! Her last report card was all good grades and remarks, Kira truly has worked hard and we are very proud of her.

Donovan has also worked very hard this year, he is still a little behind but overall has made leaps and bounds at school. He has been invited to summer school this year (which is only a month, so he would still get a month and a half of break), which should hopefully catch him up for first grade. His teacher this year as well as last year have been amazing. He now loves school, and is known just like his sister as being a good kid, friendly, caring and helpful! Everyone knows the Taylor's at the kids school, and you can tell the kids are proud of both their school but also their family and siblings.

Athena continues to grow at school, and push boundaries, learning where she fits in. She has several friends, and has improved with listening. She can write her whole name (and it's not like we gave her an easy one), she knows all her letters, and can count to almost 20. Her school has been a great experience for her, and she has an amazing teacher. She goes on field trips about once every 4-6 weeks, nature walks weekly depending on weather, and so many other awesome activities. She was recently tested by child find (since her brother and sister were both behind with speech and language etc, and her teacher though it would be a good idea to check her too), and they found she is right on track with her peers! Her teacher said she is going to try and get Athena in her class again next year which would be amazing. We are so lucky Athena was able to have the school experience this year that she did, this was the last year of 3's preschool at her school. So she will have one more year next year in 4's ECE and then on to kindergarten the following year at her brother and sisters school.

This year we are excited to grow as a family, and enjoy our year settled in Denver. We will have been here two years in May, and with Beatrix here with us, it feels like we can take a second to breath and just be thankful for these amazing little people we are raising. The love our kids have for each other, and for us is amazing. We hope to explore our state a little more this summer since i wont' be pregnant and tired! We are excited to be going on our first camping trip in Jun just a week and a half after the kids get out of school. The kids have been excited to help pick out camping gear. We hope to upgrade into a bigger townhouse this year so that we can truly be settled for quite sometime. We love our area, the kids schools, our proximity to our jobs, and the community we have grown to know a little better. The kids are excited for Garden club which will start back up in a month, and we will be all going once again, this time with Bea in tow. I think the friendships the kids have made there have been good, and the lesson of learning to grow ones food, and eat things that they literally labored over is amazing. Swim lessons to come in about another month, and if i can make it happen i'm working on getting Kira applied to summer camp this year. (a whole week overnight in the mountains with kids her age she would and will love it if i make it happen)

We've started Hello Fresh once again, i forgot how much i loved it. Kira and the kids are excited to help make dinner from the kits, and learn to cook new things. Kira has really taken on a love for cooking, and often asks if she can make dinner. Sometimes she can make a whole meal without help, depending on what it is. I'm glad she will have the life skill of how to cook when she is grown.
Tomorrow Brandon and I receive our first to hunt a killer box. This should be a pretty fun activity for the two of us to do together that gets us thinking and away from screens!

Donovan is supper excited for his 6th Birthday, and in less than two weeks he will be having his first Birthday party in Denver. He chose a place called Lava Island and it looks like it will be a blast.
He has chosen a firefighter theme and he has been overall very hands on with the planning. he already has some RSVP's so it is sure to be a memorable event.
It's only a couple months into 2020, but we are making this our year! How could it not be an amazing year with our 4 amazing cuties along for the journey =)