We have now been in Denver for a year and a half, and coming home from the hospital last Sunday was the first time i came home from being away for more than a night. The relief of walking through the front door, and just being able to sit down on my own couch in my own living room felt amazing. I realized this place really has become home.
Leaving Seattle was difficult emotionally, and a struggle financially, especially when your upping and moving everything halfway across the country in under a month! But now that i've had time to sit and think, i'm really glad we did it. Even if you forget all of the BS that lead us to that move, this was where we wanted to be. We had talked about moving somewhere away from Seattle, because honestly it's just way to dang expensive these days, and though people who have lived in Colorado forever will say it's way to expensive out here, it's not half as bad as the NW.
Last year everything was new, we had no ties here, no traditions, no favorite family hang outs, or restaurants. Everything was a new adventure. But in May we passed our 1 year mark, and now this second year, we have some roots down. They may not be super deep yet, but they are there. We have favorite parks again, we have restaurants are family likes to visit, our favorite grocery stores to frequent, even preferred gas stations we hit. Such little things but when your starting over the little things count in a big way.
The kids are going to the same school for the second year in a row. This is huge, they have community now. They have friends, and teachers that they know. We know other parents, we've started putting ourselves out there and becoming part of the community we live in. Our family belongs. For back to school night, the kids were welcomed with excited hello's from familiar faces, We were greeted with hello's from parents we had worked with last year. Teachers knew the Taylors as the kids walked down the halls, and the kids were happy and glowing.
Garden Club has been a great way for the kids, and for us to get to know people, and Athena, though currently attending a different school down the street has been warmly welcomed and has become what i would consider an honorary member, participating in all the same activities, and getting to know everyone in the garden. Kira is so proud of her sibblings, and it makes me very happy to see her include them, she makes sure everyone knows Donovan and Athena are her little brother and sister, and her friends treat them like they are their best friends as well.
Kira's been invited to friends birthday parties, and friends have come back for a second year to hers. Kids have come home with friendship bracelets etc. They've found their place with feels amazing after a bumpy start to last year. I had worried about Kira making new connections but she found her people and so has her brother!
For halloween this year, the kids got to come back to their school for their trunk or treat again, we walked around and trick or treated near their school, in the same neighborhood as last year, and joked and laughed, as i made random chit chat with other parents walking tons of kids around. It didn't seem big and daunting, or out of place, it just felts normal. As we get ready to enter Thanksgiving and Christmas, this year we have a jumping off point. We've explored some of what this city has to offer and already started on new traditions. Zoo lights at the Denver Zoo, Holiday carousel downtown, Santa at Cabelas etc.
Our family is strong and resilient, and though we have our share of struggles, we always make it out on top. When i look at my kids, i know we are special, we care about one another, we love, and we take care of each other. And i truly believe that anyone that spends any amount of time with our kids can tell, there is something special about us =)
