It's that time of year again, for figuring out new years resolutions. Though over the past several years i learned that when i started my resolutions in November and work on them through the holidays, i seem to do a better job of actually keeping them. This has been an interesting year because we had baby Bea in the beginning of November. So some of these are continuations of Resolutions from years past, some I've been working on since October/November and some I work on today. My biggest focus this year is Health and Family.
1. Vitamins, this is a continuation of a resolution i had two years ago. I started taking vitamins daily as well as several supplements. I had fallen on and off the vitamin wagon several times throughout life but never really held a regular regiment. I definitely started getting sick less often, and in several instances people around me would get sick and i would not. I've been a believer in vitamins ever since, so continuing Vitamins daily, and making sure my family takes theirs too!
2. Active Life, this is something i'm so happy for this year. One of the biggest changes i had when we first got to Denver was how much walking and activity i was enjoying with the kids. We are a nice distance from parks, and the library so daily the kids and I were putting in a lot of walking. The tons of sunny days out here, meant lots of walking with the kids, and lots of time swimming at the pool. This past summer was rough because though i tried to stay as active as possible i was exhausted from pregnancy and a full time work schedule. I'm excited to go into this year feeling energized and ready to get active again. I'm also excited for a gym at our complex so i plan on adding late night gym visits when all the kids are in bed.
3.Loosing Weight, i've lost 50 lbs ins the last couple of years. I was worried when i got pregnant with Beatrix that all that work was going to be undone. But throughout the pregnancy i only gained 17.5 lbs! Four weeks after giving birth to Beatrix i got on a scale and found out i was a few pounds lighter than i had been before i got pregnant with Bea! I'm more motivated than ever to keep the trend going. My goal is 50 more pounds. This would put me below the weight i had when i graduated High School!
4.Mental Health, this year i took a big leap. For years, and really my whole life i have had horrible anxiety. I've always tried to ignore it, and i've always wondered about if taking something would help, but i was too embarrassed to ask a doctor about it. I had the worst worries, i lived in fear constantly even over the littlest things. Simply picking up the phone to call even just a friend was terrifying even when i knew the outcome would be good. I've come used to living in a world where i expect the worst case scenarios and that isn't a good place to be. As part of a resolution to myself to get healthy last year, i saw a doctor and got on anxiety medication. This also helps me get out of my counting space. I spend (not so many hours anymore) hours counting in my head. If you see me tapping a finger, or a foot i'm probably counting. If i switch between fingers while tapping i'm counting in patterns. I've done this my whole life, and it's only gotten worse with age. Getting on medication for anxiety was the best thing i've ever done for myself. To be able to sit and feel at peace and able to breath for even a few minutes is something i didn't feel i could do before. I plan to keep working towards good mental health.
5. Family Time, family time has always been very important to me. I"m always planning something, from a simple trip to the park, to some sort of craft with the kids. I take pride in the amount of time my family spends together, and how much everyone cares for one another. This year I will work towards even more quality time with my kids, they're growing like crazy and it's not slowing down anytime soon! This year i want to start making sure i do one on one activities with the kids. Take them out each one on one and have special days with them. Continuing with family meals at the table. Cooking with my kids, they love to cook and it's a good skill to learn.
6. School Involvement, This year i plan to continue being as involved as possible with my kids and their schools. This is a hard one sometimes since i work 50 hours a week. But it's also super important to me. I will continue to work with the kids in Garden Club and any other after school activity they pick up along the way. Field Trips are always fun with the kids and Donovan already has one planned in a few weeks i will go on with him. I love chaperoning their trips and seeing how they interact with their friends and teachers. As a continued pledge to myself and my kids, i vow to always be there for all their school events. My kids will always have someone in the crowd cheering them on!
7.Organization! We are a family of 6, without organization we would surely fall apart. A few months ago I started attacking every nook and cranny of our home. Every cabinet, every bin, under beds, in closets. Between the kids and I we bagged/boxed up approx 10 (apple boxes/30 gallon trash bags) of toys and clothes to donate! We also probably bagged up about the same amount of clutter and trash. It made room for all the new Christmas stuff, and helped ensure everything had a place. Once everything had a place keeping things in order has been a lot easier. I've spent a lot of time with the kids working to get them back to putting toys away when they are done or switching activities, and they've actually started keeping their room in order (for the most part). My goal is to keep us organized and, continue to move forgotten toys, and outgrown clothes out of the house and into donations consistently to keep our home de-cluttered!
I feel my list is missing so much, but as i keep going through and thinking about things i want to add, i realize this list is just right. I have a lot of things i want to accomplish this year but they're not resolutions, they're goals. So for now I think everything sort of falls into one of these categories.