Write About the place you call home . . . .
I've Thought about this topic for over a week now. it's a little complicated because i feel there are multiple answers.
After many years of adulthood and living outside of my parents home, which is the way of life. I learned that home is wherever you create your own personal oasis. My home for many many years now has been wherever my husband and children are. We can walk into any space and by the time we put the pictures on the wall (first day, always on the first day), that's it, it's our home. familiarity helps, seeing your things in a new place, but we have also had enough moving around over the years, to know that our stuff, is still just stuff. We may enjoy it, but it comes and goes and our family is the one constant. My family is my home. But that's also not really the question, because though my family is my home, it's not the place i "call home"

When I talk to people and refer to home I'm almost always talking about Seattle. I wasn't born in Seattle ( i was born in Las Vegas), and i don't live there now, and i won't meet my final resting place (someday hopefully in the far far future) in Seattle. However it is the place i remember my first memory, it's the place i grew up, the place i went to school, the place i got baby sisters, and friends, it's the place i got my first job, had my first kiss, met my husband, got married, and had three of my children. I spent over 30 years in Seattle, and i think that is why when i'm talking to people i catch myself saying things like "back home". When i talk to people in Denver about Seattle, i often refer to it as "back home". Everyone who already knows me, knows back home is Seattle. I used to do this with Brandon and the kids too. Not so much anymore but it still comes out sometimes.

Seattle is also a place i sadly associate with a lot of hurt and pain as well. We did not leave Seattle the way we had planned, or when we had planned for that matter. So though i refer to is as home, it's not. It once was, but that's really just because my family was there with me, (some of it still is there, but as an adult when i refer to my family i generally mean my husband and children and they are no longer there either). So i think the reason i call it home to people out here, is simply because it is such a different area than where we have chosen to settle and grow. So Seattle is part of the answer, and it's a true part of the answer because i do refer to it as home quite often.
